The pylons of the Val Lemina

The pylons of the Val Lemina represent a constant of the valley and of the whole area. The votive shrines have been built since ancient times to have the blessing of God and the saints stood on the site and for the people who have them erect.

The popular faith made them arise even in the middle of fields, ask for a good harvest, keep away from the farm hail, drought, plant diseases.

Some are small, some very elaborate, with stucco and frescoes, symbols of the degree of prestige of owning families.

Unfortunately, not all are in good conditions, but they all represent an important historical and cultural heritage to the valley and to the area.


San Pietro Val Lemina

San Pietro Val Lemina (St. Pé in Piedmont dialect, San Piere in Occitan) is a municipality in the western Piedmont, counting about 1,500 inhabitants, which is located in the province of Turin.

It is situated in the center of Val Lemina, which takes its name from the river of the same name.

It is part of the Community “Montana Pinerolese Pedemontano”.
Its surroundings: Mount Freidur, Natural Park of the Three Teeth, Pra Abba, Pra Martino, Fountain Eglantina, Spring Lemina, Eco-museum of Charcoal, Ornithologic Park Martinat and much more.